Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Policy informs employees and third parties about the available mechanisms for reporting any violations as defined in the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) which have come to their notice and are related to the German seated Sunlight Group’s companies.
It also sets the process which needs to be followed for the investigation and management for each report, defining the responsible for such matters internal bodies and implements the necessary measures for the protection of confidentiality and anonymity of the whistleblowers. Raising awareness and encouraging everyone to voice their concerns, without fear of retaliation is of outmost importance, for the benefit of both individuals’ and Group’s interests.
Reports related to Sunlight Group of companies may be submitted in the following ways:
(a) Via the reporting application (platform), available here.
(b) By e-mail to the following addresses: speak-up@triathlon.group and speak-up@batterien-mueller.de for Group companies seated in Germany.
(c) By post to the Group headquarters in Greece, namely: 22, Thivaidos Str., Kifissia, Attica, P.C. 14564, or to any other Group report-related Company’s premises, to the attention of the local Reports’ Receiving and Monitoring Officer (R.R.M.O.)
(d) Orally via a personal meeting with the local R.R.M.O. or the Group Compliance Officer.